27 April 2013

Cynthia Tabe : The Talent Behind the Blog DULCE CAMER.

Hey everyone,
                 How are you all doing? I know I have been away for a while. Well, I was writing my exams and PRAISE THE LORD!!!!. I am done. While I was away, I was still thinking of some interesting things to bring to you. And guess what? I found them. First up is my interview, with the talented and very patriotic blogger and PR Mogul Cynthia Tabe. If you haven't read, comment or followed her blog, DULCE CAMER (Here) then you have been living under a rock. It gives gistes and gossips about your favourite Cameroon songs, entertainment and even politics. With over 158, 700 views and counting, Cynthia's blog is amongst one of the most viewed and top Cameroon blogs. Ok let's talk to Cynthia

Hi Cynthia, thanks for accepting to do this interview. I truly admire your work and blog. 

Thank you Alison for the compliment. I appreciate it.

·      You are welcome, Cynthia. Can you please tell us about yourself? 

 I am Cynthia Tabe, a proud Manyu christian girl who grew up in Yaoundé. I am a passionate, ambitious and a highly committed individual who does not give up or back down easily.

·       Where do you live and how long have you been out of Cameroon?

For the past 20 years, London town has been my home.

   woow, ok. Please, can you tell us something about yourself that many people might not know? 

I am trilingual – I speak fluent English and French of course as well as Spanish. I wish I could add Japanese to the list!!

·       woow, very impressive. Now I feel like taking some language classes * Jealous Face*. Your blog Dulce Camer is fast becoming one of the most popular Cameroon entertainment blogs. Why the name Dulce Camer and what is your blog all about? 

My blog represents, discovers and promotes the numerous amazing talents that are from Cameroon. It centrally focuses on the showbiz industry as that sector is still largely underdeveloped but is slowly gaining momentum. We cover fashion, music, film, arts, beauty, events etc. I chose the name “Dulce Camer” because I really wanted a name that truly reflected myself as well as my passion for my country and “Dulce” in Spanish means “sweet” so “Dulce Camer” means “Sweet Camer or Sweet Cameroon”.

·       How long have you been a blogger? 

I have been blogging since 2008 – so for 7 years now.

·       What made you to start blogging? 

I started blogging when I discovered the Bella Naija blog and it immediately got me thinking about Cameroon as at that time there was absolutely nothing, no information about Cameroonian talents or stuff online.

    That was so thoughtful. How do you like the experience so far?

I absolutely love it! First of all it is on a focus that I am passionate about so the writing is easy. I always seem to find time to blog even when I am laden with other things.

·       What is the most interesting or shocking thing you have had to do as a blogger? 

The most interesting thing I have had to do is putting together the annual Dulce Camer Top 50 List which I notice is a massive boost to many talents out there. It is fast becoming a must feature talent list and I am very encouraged! I also have a fashion blog www.fah-schyon.blogspot.com and through this blog I get approached to attend events as well as get brands seek my advice on their business which to me is very interesting. Fortunately, I have never had to do anything shocking lol!!

·       What do you think we (young Cameroonians) need to do to take our country and entertainment industry (music, film and fashion) to the next level (international if possible).

Ahhh, so many things we must do to move to the next level! We definitely must improve the quality of our work. We have to completely move away from the bad quality stuff the “older” generation did and are still doing and imprint our own stamp in the industry. Quality, professionalism, patience, trust and most of all team work. I see a lot of talent managing themselves and I wonder how they expect to grow? You cannot be everything all at once. To grow, you must seek to have the right people to develop you if not you end up stuck and you’ll spend time going round in circles.

 I agree with you 100%.  At the end of every year you publish a list of 50 Cameroonian talents to watch out for in the coming year (I LOVE the idea). What does it take to be part of that list or what criteria do you look at? 

The Dulce Camer Top 50 list is made up of different criteria to enable us capture the wide variety of talents out there. To be part of the list you just have to be a talent who is showing growth either in the areas of fashion, music, arts, social activism, business, technology etc etc.

 Check out the list for 2012: Dulce Camer's top 50 Cameroon Talent List 2013

·     Baam!!!  Many people know about your blog Dulcer Camer but you also own a Public Relations Company/ Firm called ModeMaison PR (MMPR). Can you please tell us about MMPR? 

 ModeMaison PR is a public relations, branding and marketing firm with a rental service known as “Ward*Robe @ Studio 25”, currently located in Douala, Cameroon. Our aim is to provide creative, fresh, youthful and innovative strategic solutions to our clients in the music, fashion, beauty, lifestyle and film sectors as well as provide styling services to private individuals and celebrities in the showbiz industries. We want to completely revitalize the “image” of Cameroon through the brands we work with.

·      Woow talk about taking Camer to another level! me likey. What services does it offer and how affordable is it? 

We offer Communication (PR), Branding and Marketing services which are affordable. Our pricing completely takes into consideration the status of the brands in the market. Our rental plans and prices are also very affordable. If interested, just drop us a line on Twitter or Facebook (@ModeMaisonPR / @Brownschuga)

ModeMaison PR Office Douala, CAMEROON.

·       How can people book for your services?

Ahh…I was so ahead of myself and answered above lol!! To book please contact us on Facebook or Twitter @ModeMaisonPR  / @Brownschuga

·    Hahaha.  Do you offer international services or is it just limited to within Cameroon? 

We can work with any brands based within or outside Cameroon and we have worked with and do work with brands that are not in Cameroon.

MMPR presentative in Camer. Anyi Asonganyi.  Am sure you recognize her from one of our interviews.

·       Which artists/people has MMPR worked with?

On the music side, we have worked with Jovi, Renise, Magasco and Denzyl and currently work with MuMaK label. On the fashion side we have worked/are working with Adama Paris, Jezreel Designs, Mozcau (a Polish brand), Mina Evans and a UK based Nigerian focused charity; Path to Possibilities. We aim to work with a lot more!!

Yvonne Nelson and Cynthia Tabe in a MINA EVANS dress. This is to die for.

·    Woow that is a pretty great portfolio.   Which artists or people will you love to work with in and out of Cameroon? (both as a blogger and PR).

I can’t say I have a particular person in mind however, I am very eager to work with talented individuals who are prepared to set themselves apart from the rest. That’s part of the MMPR mantra – we are different in our approach and we do things that make people take note. So if you are an artist or a business who wants to brand themselves differently and grow, then call us! As a blogger, I would love to work with the top African fashion brands!

Cynthia avec Fally Ipupa Dicap La merveille

Cynthia & Nollywood Actor Jim Iyke

·       Apart from blogging and running your PR firm, which other things do you do?

Apart from these, I also work full time in the London insurance market.

·     I wonder woow what a busy lady :).  How do you have time to joggle all what you do, how do you it? Please can you share your secret? 

 Passion can make you do 100 things and not care or feel it my dear! That’s my only secret!! I only do things that I am passionate about which means I enjoy doing it over and over again!!

·    So True!   What do you like most about Cameroon/Cameroonians?

I love where Cameroon is situated geographically in Africa. We are so strategically placed and we don’t even know it! And through this situation, we have been blessed with a very rich culture which we ought to be celebrating and promoting. They don’t call us “Africa in miniature” for nothing.

·      I totally agree with you. We get to get the best of both worlds. (French/ English) What is your favorite Cameroonian dish and why? 

Ahhh!! It has to be garri and eru with kanda, meat, snails, dry fish…I am a proud Manyu girl!!!

Chai! Cameroonians are blessed MEHN!!!!!

·      200% bayang! y did I forget dat? What advice do you have for young Cameroonians who have dreams but are scared or reluctant to follow them?
  If you do nothing you achieve nothing and basically your time here on Earth will mean nothing. Fear is just a little voice within holding you back from doing what you are passionate about so shed that voice and seek to surround yourself with people who will encourage you. Go on, leave a lasting legacy  - you can do it!!

Thanks so much for this interview and for the advice. If I can be sincere, your top 50 list for 2013 was one of my main inspirations to start following my dreams. Before the 1st of January 2013, blogging and fashion designing were just dreams of mine, I used to do all the planning in ma head and kept on procrastinating but after I saw that list, I like you know what am going to work ma butt off to make that list next year. And here I am. Sincerely, if you have a dream, follow it, regardless of what people say.

 Hope you all loved my interview with Cynthia. please do check out her blog dulcecamer.blogspot.ca . Follow her on Twitter: @brownschuga / @ModeMaisonPR. And like their facebook page Mode Maison PR .

Thanks for stopping by. Please follow, comment and let me know which Camer talent you will like to see me interview next. Have a lovely weekend.




  1. Woooowwwww!!! I am truly honoured for the feature Alison! Well captured!!
    Thanks again and keep at it - you will feel rewarded for having followed your dreams.
    Cynthia Tabe

    1. aww Amen ooo. Am soo happy you like it. the pleasure is all mine hun.

  2. I love her blog. Thats where I go to catch up with the music/arts industry in cameroon.


    1. ya, that makes two of us, Lauretta. Thanks for stopping by. just checked out your blog. love it

  3. Excellent feature on Cynthia...love it.

  4. Keep it up u two. We need ur types in this generation.

  5. i just came across your blog,read this interview and i must confess..i am fueled!!i love all things 237 and have a passion to portray the amazing people that we are, through a lifestyle magazine.but have always been procrastinating,due to bad energy around me that keeps saying its not possible in CAMER.but thanks to this post,i am going strong on my passion."if you do nothing,you achieve nothing,and basically your time here on earth would mean nothing" word.

    1. awww thanks dear, i am very happy that i have inspired u to go for ur dreams. i had been dreaming for a long time but this year, i was like i ain't procrastinating any more. Go for ur dreams dear, let no one stop u or hold u down. As long as u have the passion and talent, you have no limit. I am extremely passionate about #Team237. Don't hesitate to contact me if u need assistance w anything and i will do my best to help out. Welcome to ALTF and hope u become a regular reader :)

  6. aww..tnks..i loveeee your blog its become an addiction

  7. just stumbled upon your blog. great interview!


    1. Aww thanks dear. Hope u become a regular from now

  8. Great job Muke!!! Ohhhhh how Cyn is making me work hard.

    1. hahahha thanks love. lol she makes me work hard too :)

  9. Hi Alison...your blog is very interesting and this article is really great! I love the support Cameroonian bloggers/entertainment is now getting. I've been saying this for years that we need to start supporting and highlighting one another (the way Nigerians and Ghanians do) or we will be left in the dust! Ciao!
