Hey lovelies, I am beyond happy to present to you one of the best in the Cameroonian blogging sphere. She is known other than the London based Cameroonian fashion blogger - Lydie Epangue. Her blog * Art Becomes You* is one of the most renown fashion blogs owned by a Cameroonian. With over 349000 blog views and almost 5000 facebook likes, it's no doubt this lovely day is killing it. Beauty, Brains and a crazy love for literature and languages is just few of the skills she possess. Enough of the talking, read for yourself, and enjoy!!!!
* ALTF: Hello Lydie, Thanks for accepting to do this interview, I guess it’s about time who know about you. I greatly admire what you do, blogging etc etc
Lydie: Thanks a lot for the opportunity Muke. Love your blog as well!
* Thanks Hun, So who is Lydie Epangue?
I’m a twentysomething (wink) year old darling whose tremendous love for writing, blogging, photography and all things fashion has resulted in me investing in my very own blog. I was in Saker Baptist College, studied for a BA in English & French at the University of Buea before coming to England where I‘ve just recently earned an MA in Media & Mass Communication. I’ve always been intrigued by people in the media and wanted to work there. I currently work as an SEO/ Web Analyst but do some A LOT of blogging and other bits and bops in my free time.

* Ooo woow, Beauty, Brain and Talent. What a combo!!!. Hope you can help analyse my blog traffic etc (winks). So, how was it like growing up in Cameroon? Are there any morals or values you gained while going up?
I’m so glad I grew up in Cameroon! I wouldn't change that for anything. What did I not learn? It helps me appreciate my roots and background better. Your roots will always motivate you to be a fighter in whatever circumstances you face in life.
* You are so right, I say that ALL THE TIME!! What do you miss the most about your or should I say "OUR" motherland?
OMG, more like what do I NOT miss! Everything. From my mother’s hearty dishes, to poking fun with and at my siblings, my family, insulting our politicians (never gets old), the snacks (I’m craving snails, roasted corn, grugru, banga school, kulubang and fupfup as we speak. Good luck translating these by the way…),Books ‘N Things, haggling over prices in the market (I’ve tried to do that here with little or no success), hussling and buying okrika clothes (the anticipation of that first fripperie bail very early in the mornings…), Soppo market and did I mention the food?
* Hahahahaha, i am rolling on the floor, No jokes!!!. I used to do the same thing, Soppo Market sharp sharp saturday morning to open the first bail and buy the "lastest" trends, Abeg no kill me ya. What prompted you to started blogging and when did you start?
Most people do not know this but I actually started blogging in high school. I had 2 blogs on Blogger while in Cameroon. They were full of my rantings, music write-ups and short stories. I’m looking to transfer them to my current blog at the moment because I had quite a few hits back then, lol. I started Art Becomes You in 2011. It’s been my baby since then.
* Wooow i actually didn't know that. Will love to check them out tho. The name “Art becomes You” is soo catchy and unique, is there are story or reason for that name?
Not really. I stumbled upon it. I got the idea from a saying about ‘you are what you wear or what you eat’ or something like that. I think how we present ourselves is an expression of what we are thinking about or what we are going through at some stage. Even the people who think they are not really ‘into fashion’ or don’t care how they look are unconsciously creating a look. Every form of expression is art. Therefore art becomes you. (Oh Lordy I sound crazed. Hope someone can make some sense out of this).
* Hahahaha I certainly do make sense of what you are saying, You are very right. Since you spoke about Art and fashion, can you tell us what your blog is about? For those who don’t know about it.
It’s really about anything and everything I’m feeling at the moment. I blog about beauty, fashion, lifestyle, travel and music. I am working on introducing some new dimension to blog very soon!
* Wow can't wait to see what you have next. How was it like when you started blogging, did you get any help or did you just do try and errors like me. Lmao. But seriously though, how did you do it?
Exactly! Trial and error was my first approach. Then I also think about the blogs I visit every single day. What makes me read them? That gives me an idea of what my target audience could be searching for. I read a lot of gossip blogs (love me some juice, wink) but not sure if I should venture into that yet. We’ll see.
* Hahahaha you are right about the gossip blogs, I won't lie that's where all the money is. So if you need a bigger audience and some cash then why not. By the way, Congrats on the success of your blog, you have over 349,000 views and 4752 facebook Likes, when you started did you ever think you were going to have all these views/ followers? And how do you feel about it.
I never even dreamt I’d get this response. So am very grateful. Even though I don’t think my blog has reached its peak yet. I see bloggers hitting 250K + likes and getting thousands of comments so I still have a lot of work to do.
* I totally agree with you, as bloggers we always strive to be better. How do you balance work, school and blogging? coz I know it’s not easy at all.
Not easy at all. You forgot to mention laziness. Lol. Coz when am not working or running errands I’m lazing away on Project Runway, Scandal, Revenge, Pretty Little Liar, Big Brother, The Good Wife, Britain’s Next Top Model…you name it, I watch it. I had to give myself a weekly target to help me concentrate. It’s hard working for yourself if you’re not disciplined so I needed to discipline my time. I’m not in University anymore so I’ve got more time now.
* Story of my life, i watch every series, fashion and modelling shows on the planet too, and it's super hard to balance everything especially when school is included. You are a huge fashionista, When did your love for fashion start?
Thank you! It stated really early on. You can tell from the shows I watch that I’m a sucker for fashion. I watch Stylista, Project Runway - USA, Australia, Canada etc. If there was one in Ekiliwindi I’d watch it. So tv influenced my fashion from a young age. I also used to buy a lot of Seventeen magazines and Ebony in Cameroon. The fashion I saw in them really intrigued me.
* Woow, we are soo similar, lol @Ekiliwindi though lmao. How will you describe your style?
Easygoing chic with a touch of ‘Aidyl’.
* Cool, Who are you fashion/style idols or inspirations?
Solange Knowles, Nicole Richie
* If someone were to give you a £1000 gift card, what is the first thing you will buy?
Louboutin Pigalle heels and vintage Chanel bag (that £1000 go small oh…)
* Those will be at top two on my list too, lmao. i badly need to get a loub. What is one thing you can’t live without?
* awww, What is on your wish list for this summer?
A lot of whites and fuchsia.
* If you were to name 4 of your fashion must haves what will they be?
-Statement leather bag
-silk blouse in outstanding print
-Trousers that complement my bum
-Killer heels
* Check! check! check! check! lol, Ok so I have a couple of short question to ask about Cameroon and Cameroonian artist. I will be asking the same questions to other people I interview so don’t feel bad. Just complete the sentences
It is called my 10 Camer favorites.
* My favourite Cameroonian dish is … Ndole and dodo
* My fav Cameroonian designer is... Kibonen Nfi… because she’s darn good
* My fav Cameroonian Music artist is … Hoigen Ekwalla
* My fav Cameroonian Actor/ Actress... Eka Christa
* My fav Cameroonian personality is …
* My fav Cameroonian music is … Makossa.
* My fav Cameroonian movie is … Tahzibi (is this the spelling)?
* My fav Cameroonian blog/website is … Addicted to Etsy & Dulce Camer
* My fav thing about Cameroonians is … Humour
* My fav place to visit in Cameroonian … My village
* I am sure you saw this coming, but I just have to ask. You posted a picture on your instagram of you wearing a ring on your middle finger with a very cute young man by your side. I just have to ask if it’s what we all are thinking. Do you mind sharing? *hides face, fingers crossed*
Hahaha! It’ll all unfold in due time. But yea we are taking things to the next level.
* Awww, I knew it! I knew it. Congrats hun. What’s next for you?
Just being a badass blogger
* I suppose you mean B.A.S.TA.R.D blogger * in Jovi' s voice. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
God willing: In my Ferrari, putting contractors and businesses on hold…hehehe. But seriously, making money out of doing what I love would be a fantastic dream come true.
B.A.S.T.A.R.D fine geh inside B.A.S.T.A.R.D fine jap * in Reniss's voice* |
* You are absolutely right, God luck with that. An advice to all the talented young Cameroonians who are working very hard, trying to follow their dreams.
Make sure it IS really your dream, then pursue it and own it. You don’t need much to pursue you passion. Polish your skill, be determined and shine. People will notice and appreciate it.
* Aww thanks so much hun, thanks for your time and patience and I wish you all the best in all your endeavors. Don’t hesitate to ask if you ever need my help.
I should be thanking you. This has been like therapy. Thanks for picking my brain, I’ve loved it J I wish you all the best too. Stay blessed and rep Camer.
Hahahaha therapy? you are one funny lady. Thanks and keep the Fire burning," SO SO GO BEFORE, NO MATTER WHAT" ( in Stanley Enow' s voice).
Hope you enjoyed this interview, please check out Lydie's blog HERE and like her facebook page HERE. Also if there is any Cameroonian artist, actresses or personality you will like me to interview, please leave a comment below with their name and information and i will make sure i grant your wish. And if you are a cameroonian artist / talent and you will like me to interview you or do a post for you, please comment below or send an email to mookehthebrand@gmail.com
Thanks and have a lovely weekend.
Awww thanks a lot Muke for this lovely interview. I enjoyed reading through it ...again! lol.
ReplyDeleteKeep repping.
again thanks for the feature.
awww thanks hun. i didn't know i didn't reply to this yet *hides face*. Thanks for accepting to do this interview.
Deleteoh and btw I love the Pic collages. and that pic of Solange next to me is epic ..hehehehe
Thanks for this Alison!! I love Lydia and her blog and congratulations to her and her success!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you interviewed her! Wow
hahahahaha thanks hun. you are next. I was waiting for the right time and it's around the corner
DeleteI absolutely enjoyed this interview. .I do follow her .keep it up mookeh I just stumbled upon ur blog now. Please follow mine .....With love for Nigeria
ReplyDeleteawww thanks purple-glory. thanks for showing some love. hope you will be following me too. *winks*
DeleteThe interview was so funny. I liked it! I feel so proud when I see Cameroonian ladies rocking it like that. :D
ReplyDeleteMuke! Seems like I saw one of your comment on facebook this week!!!! It was about an outfit on a red carpet or something like that. Lol.
Am following you now on your blog. Check out mine and do the same, it will be cool. Kiss
it was a wonderful chance to visit this kind of site and I am happy to know. thank you so much for giving us a chance to have this opportunity..
ReplyDeleteFashion Blog